


February 2025 – ISSUE 173

CHAIRMAN John Edwards 01622 858439 john.edwards
VICE-CHAIRMAN Mike Compson  01622 851763 mike.compson
SECRETARY Sue Compson 01622 851763 sue.compson
WEBSITE Mike Compson 01622 851763 mike.compson


Hello All

Well what a lovely bright sunny morning, a bit cold and frosty but nice to see the sunshine. According to the weather reports it should be a good dry week with sunshine, fingers crossed.

For those of you who missed our January meeting I need to tell you what is happening with the LenARA committee.  As from our May AGM I and a few others are standing down, so we need to start advertising for replacements. The Committee Members standing down as I said are myself, Mike Compson, Sue Compson, and Phil Gooda. So we are looking mainly for a Chairman, Vice Chairman and a Speakers Secretary. We have a volunteer to take over from Sue Compson, as LenARA Secretary.

This is a most serious situation to be in as without replacement to cover these jobs LenARA would fold, what a shame that would be after running for 20 years now.

If any of you are interested in these positions, please let us know or come along to our committee meeting this Wednesday, 5th February at 2 pm in the Lenham Community Centre to see what we discuss and do.

Full help will be given to the new committee members so please don't worry about anything, we will all be there to help and support you. With this said please give it some serious thought, if possible to even job share.

Lunch at Ledian GardensPast events

Pub lunch at Ledian Gardens, Upper Street Leeds, this was a beautiful venue, very good food and service, most enjoyable with plenty of nice compliments, well done to Julia. 

Future Events

On Saturday, the 15th February we shall be supporting a Lenham Nursery Fundraising Dance at the Lenham Community Centre and dancing to Chicory Tip.  Tickets are £15 per person, bring your own nibbles and drink, there will also be a raffle and doors open at 7 pm until 11 pm, tickets are available from -

- LenARA (Barbara Kyprianou)

- Lenham Nursery School

- Parish Council Office 

- Dog and Bear

Please try to support this event it should be a good evening for a good cause.

Note for your Diary: on Saturday, 8th March at the Lenham Community Centre we shall be holding a Quiz Evening. I know many of you have done these before, they are very enjoyable so look out for the tickets going on sale at the next meeting. The cost is £2 per person with tables of four people.  What a cheap night out and don't forget to bring your own drinks and nibbles.  This is always a very popular event so don't delay in purchasing tickets.

The Pub Lunch this month is at:

The Plough Inn, Sutton Road, Sutton Valance, Maidstone MR17 3LX

Click here to see the menu >>>


Short Mat Bowls


2.00pm to 4.00pm

£3 per session

Phil Gooda

01622 851217



9.30am to 10.30am

£6 per session

Barbara Kyprianou

01622 850468

Line Dancing


7.30pm to 9.00pm

£4.50 per session

Ann Rolfe

01622 859725


(this activity will resume in the spring)


10.00am to 12.00pm

£3.00 per session

John Edwards

01622 858439



Ten Pin Bowling in Ashford

Wednesday 12th  February 2024


£7 for two games

Pat Highsted 

01622 743658

Members' meeting: 

Richard Griffin - Bodyguard to the Royal Family.

Wednesday 26th February 2024


Lenham Community Centre


Ten Pin Bowling in Ashford

Wednesday 12th  February 2024


£7 for two games

Pat Highsted 

01622 743658

Members' meeting: 

Susan Shaw from the Heart of Kent Hospice

Wednesday 26th February 2024


Lenham Community Centre


Ten Pin Bowling in Ashford

Wednesday 12th  February 2024


£7 for two games

Pat Highsted 

01622 743658

Members' meeting: 

Lindsey Barrell aka Ms Cherry Bombe! – Burlesque, me and the WI

Wednesday 26th February 2024


Lenham Community Centre

Look after yourselves and see you soon.  

Regards John.

PS Please put your thinking caps on re the committee.

Put your thinking cap on